GO Offshore chooses UniSea!

Kurt Roar Vilhelmsen
CEO, UniSea
April 11, 2024

We are happy to announce that GO Offshore in Australia have signed an Enterprise agreement with UniSea, covering our entire software suite. Welcome to the UniSea Family!

GO OFFSHORE is an energy services company, specialising in providing quality & safe marine and logistics solutions to the Offshore Energy Industry, headquartered in South Perth, Western Australia.

GO OFFSHORE presently manages and operates a fleet of 20+ offshore vessels and supports its clients in a variety of projects offshore, including marine, subsea and renewables scopes.

With its strong safety track record and world class safety management system compliant to the highest standards, GO OFFSHORE operates globally and meets all client operational, and compliance needs across every region.

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Learn why industry leaders choose UniSea as their maritime software provider.
40 Modules
2,500 Vessels
100% Compliance